Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Laying Carpet? Dare I?

So, I really want new carpet in my master bedroom. It's going to be awesome :). But it wont match the hallway and the other two bedrooms but I DONT CARE!!! So there.

I want a grayish carpet in my bedroom and it would look awesome. It has an attached pad (so carpet crazies, don't get upset, I'm going to buy it attached no matter what you say). I'm not so worried about doing my bedroom or even the transition in my doorway to the hallway.

My concern is the hallway, that carpet my cat and dog destroyed. I'm planning to use the current carpet in my room (which matches the other bedrooms) to replace the damaged carpet and pad in the hallway. I'll get a new pad for that area, NBD. But my stairs are wood and the carpet, well, is carpet. That edge I don't want one of those metal carpet strip thingeys that transition to a different flooring. Right now it almost looks like it's folded under. This is probably the ONLY area of the hallway that looks awesome.

How the hallway carpet got damaged- my kitty hates closed doors. She was clawing to get into a room. She's done this her whole life (she was about 10 at the time of this incident) and hadn't really done any damage. Sometimes I'd have to trim a bit of fuzz that she'd manage to pull off the carpeting. In comes puppy who see's old kitty trying to dig her way under a doorway. Puppy thinks, "oh this is great fun, let's help the kitty with the tiny paws and do some real digging here". Puppy "helps" the kitty. Carpeting gets ripped from the floor.

So, as mad as I was, it was at the same time really cute. He was just trying to help the cat.

But now my hallway looks like crap and I don't want to recarpet the whole upstairs, just my room. And the tiny hallway/landing to go to the bedrooms. It's a very small area.

And I know I spell thingeys with an ey at the end. I think it looks better that way :).

I've been trying to find video's online to do the edge by the steps and I can't find anything that shows exactly how awesome it looks right now. If anyone knows what the heck I'm talking about, maybe you could tell me what search terms would work best to find a video or even link me one ;).

I'm hoping to do this project in a couple weeks, month at the most. Until then, I'm going to watch tons of video's so hopefully I don't screw this up!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

So I was on a bit of a hiatus.

First my teen was sick, then I took a vacation to clean my house and then baby got sick. For five days I had a 7 month old attached to me. 

It wasn't a good couple weeks. 

And you don't even want to know what I've been eating (though that half a pan of dark chocolate brownies tasted pretty damn awesome),

So, time to get back on track since I barely spend any time ON track. 

Guess what I did??? Guess!!! GUESS ALREADY!!!!

Okay, you'll never guess. I bought a baby carrier. So now I can have a baby attached to me while I do stuff. Sounds exciting right? Well, I tried it out going for a walk with a friend. He's ridiculously heavy! My shoulders are just about killing me. 

So with this carrier I am hoping to do more workouts. With my baby. I want to start walking now that it's warming up outside and it'll be much easier to do without a stroller since we have no sidewalks and the roads are still pretty crappy. 

And I'm wanting to do some body weight exercises and hoping I can incorporate baby into those. I already do baby overhead raises and baby chest presses and push ups over baby (extra bonus, he gets a kiss on his head with each one). So with the carrier I can hopefully do some burpee's, squats, lunges, and maybe even running stairs and stuff with him too. 

As for my eating, I've been terrible. I keep doing the "I'll do better tomorrow" and my weight is up way too high. I really REALLY need to get back into my routine. A couple years ago I had a really set routine daily. Since meeting my very awesome boyfriend I haven't stuck to that routine very well. And now with baby, getting to bed later since I have to get him to bed before I get me to bed, my routine is pretty well shot. 

I'm going to really really focus this week on my after work routine. Getting baby home and fed and to bed and if he's not tired getting my dishes and cat boxes cleaned before getting me to bed. 

AND if I really REALLY want to get serious, I need to lay off the candy crush at night :(. 

Candy crush, I will miss you.